
Implementation – it’s not a dirty word

December 5, 2023
Implementation – it’s not a dirty word

TCC Health encourages clients to see innovation and implementation as two sides of the same coin. The power of innovation can’t be unlocked if the world isn’t ready to receive it. Read on to find out about how we approach implementation readiness.

What’s holding back your innovation?

Let’s imagine a scenario where a healthcare innovation has been developed with empathy, vision and strategic cut-through. It has the potential to make a positive difference in the world. That’s a great start, but the best innovation imaginable can only ever be effective when implementation readiness is also a key planning component.

‘Implementation’ may not be the sexiest term in the pharmaceutical industry lexicon, and it probably won’t feature in lists of top trends shaping the business. But implementation readiness, or IR, is essential for innovation. So, what exactly do we mean by IR?

Implementation readiness

IR is the process of anticipating barriers and drivers of adoption, prioritising them and creating strategies and tactics that provide a smooth path for innovations to be used in the real world. It is the bridge between ideation and impact. When done well, IR accelerates innovation projects so their effect is achieved faster and spend is more efficient.

The pillars of IR are threefold:

  1. Analytical: Understanding the system, human and reputational forces that propel or hinder the adoption of innovation
  2. Experience-based: Knowing what works and why, learning from both successes and setbacks
  3. Creative: Finding ways to communicate about the innovation that engage and motivate stakeholders by resonating with their needs and mindset

People often say innovation is hard. There’s truth in that. The hardest part is often the understandable impatience about a lengthy timeline that feels like the project is devouring time and effort before delivering on its promises. What’s worse is that impatience can lead to ambivalence and lack of drive from the initial champions of the innovation.

IR is the antidote to that problem. By expediting the process, IR is the accelerant that fuels innovation and keeps sponsors invested because they see tangible results sooner rather than later. And that’s why implementation is not a dirty word.

Get in touch with us to supercharge your innovation through implementation readiness.

How we can help

Get in touch with us to talk through your goals and how our approach to implementing innovation at scale can help you get there.

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