Start with scale in mind
Innovative ideas can lead to bold and far-reaching impact when project teams agree early that scale is the end-game and power efforts to achieve this. But too often, scale comes as an afterthought. Here we make the case for starting with scale in mind.
Where will your innovation lead?
In short, your innovation can lead to a bold and far-reaching impact at the earliest opportunity if and when it is planned with scale in mind.
Healthcare is now at the point where transformation is required to meet the evolving needs of aging and complex populations. Innovation from the pharmaceutical industry is looking ‘beyond the pill’ but often hits obstacles relating to policy, regulations, value, design, communications, implementation and evaluation. Pharmaceutical companies must transform how they approach the innovation process so that new ideas can thrive.
Unlocking innovation
Unlocking innovation by transforming organisations is tough but can be achieved when we start with scale in mind and are rigorous in our strategic and planning work. Only then can barriers to innovation adoption be anticipated and mitigated, with drivers for success built in from the start.
If we start with scale in mind, then we’ll make resourcing decisions that benefit overall success. Rather than spending all our efforts on research and user-centred design, we’ll focus energies appropriately between designing an outstanding solution and creating implementation strategies that will enable success in the real-world. Starting with scale in mind means planning focusing on uptake far earlier in the innovation process.
This shouldn’t be alien to us. Launch readiness is a critical part of pharmaceutical marketing, so why is it often overlooked when it comes to innovation?
Changing the approach
For too long innovators have been innovative for the sake of the innovation, rather than focusing on the true goal of creating a positive impact on the world, at scale. And that’s what needs to change. That’s why we need to start with scale in mind.
Get in touch with us to talk through your goals and how our approach to implementing innovation at scale can help you get there.
How we can help
Get in touch with us to talk through your goals and how our approach to implementing innovation at scale can help you get there.
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