Case Studies

Improving patient flow by transforming outpatient services for a chronic disease

Improving patient flow by transforming outpatient services for a chronic disease

Transformation at pace required to optimise and streamline patient care


Global Innovation Unit

Advances in our client’s therapy area over the last few decades had changed the condition from acute to chronic, but the healthcare service delivery model had not evolved. This led to inefficiencies in the allocation of health resources and a burden on patients that was higher than necessary.

The service was simply not configured for the current situation. Transformation at pace was required to optimise and streamline patient care, offering the contact points and support appropriate to today’s patient needs and disease profile.


Design, Develop
& Deliver

TCC Health collaborated with the client and key stakeholders across three stages of design, pilot and scale-up.

In partnership with a large, specialist hospital, the first stage was an intensive, 12-week design sprint using design principles to understand the service model and ideate ways to improve, appraise for feasibility and then design a new model.

TCC was there at every step of the way, visiting the hospital to meet stakeholders and work through the requirements from clinical needs to practical aspects such as pharmacy supply. We presented the recommendations to a joint panel from the hospital and company sponsor, which resulted in approval to move to pilot stage.

The new service was a nurse-led, technology-enabled bi-annual model, which empowered personalised patient engagement, visibility of patient needs and outcomes across the multi-disciplinary team and efficiencies for patients and clinicians.

We designed and ran a four-month pilot, involving 100 patients, answering specific qualitative and quantitative research questions to understand the effectiveness, impact on quality markers of care, patient experience and implementation learnings for the scale-up. Following a successful pilot phase, the solution has now been expanded to thousands of patients across several key centres.

Service model established and ready to scale

The new service model is now fully established in one of the biggest treatment centres in Europe, and is ready for adoption at other sites.


Patients registered on the service


Registered users actively using service in the past month


Unlocking innovation to create lasting change in healthcare

Patient Feedback

“I feel in control and empowered to take part in my care”

“It’s easy to use and to follow”.

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